Jim Steele performs multiple "sleights of hand"
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Jim Steele > Jim Steele performs multiple 'chart deception' somersaults

Jim Steele quotes George Orwell but veers from the truth more than a little

One of the things about posts from Jim Steele is that it's not difficualt to see the deception.

Here's another example. You can find the original post here.

If Jim Steele wants us to believe what he writes, why does he make such weak attempts to hide his deception?

Jim Steele's comparison

The graphic in Jim Steele's post show 3 charts to compare.

The one on the left shows a version of the well-known Michael Mann "hockey stick". If you're not familiar with it, you can find out more about it here.

The chart refers to the Northen Hemisphere.

Note that in his post Jim Steels hides the horizontal scale. It actuially covers 1,000 years.

The next chart - labelled Ljunqvist (2010) refers to the extra-tropical Northern Hemisphere and covers 2,000 years.

The third chart - labelled Buntgen (2020) - refers to summer temperatures.

Why would anybody compare those 3 charts?

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