Warming in the U. S.
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Jim Steele > Evidence it's not warming

Is the U. S. warming or not? Tony and Chris investigate...

U. S. temperature records are controversial for many reasons. Some of those reasons are credible. Some are not, and are primarily due to desperate attempts to deny the truth.

Most of the charts shown early on this page can be reproduced from this page.

Is the U.S. warming or not?

What's the national picture?

These are average CONUS temperatures from 1895, according to the NOAA.

What's with the jaggedy line?

The NOAA reckon its Nature, but I reckon they've been tampering with the data as usual.

And what about the straight blue line?

They reckon it's a trend line, but I reckon if they'd drawn it in red it would show what it's really about. Know what I mean?

These science guys have a thing about averages. I don't know why. What about maximum temperatures? That's what really counts, isn't it?

What about average maximum temperatures CONUS 48 wide??

These are average maximum temperatures from 1895, according to the NOAA.

But that's ridiculous. We're telling everybody that it's not getting warmer, and these charts are saying the opposite. What shall we do?

I've got an idea! Let's look at each of the 48 states individually. That'll show it's all a scam.

Tony, you're the man! Good thinking.

Average maximum temperature by state

I was right. I found two states with average maximum temperature pretty much flat, but two others showed a definite trend downwards.

Well done. Those two - and the "flat" ones - prove it's all a scam, don't they? The other 44 show a trend upwards, but that will all be due to data tampering or Marxism, won't it?

Too right. We've proved that there's no warming and it's all a scam. Great!

OK, but don't those two start going up from about 60 years ago.

Who cares? It's good enough for me.

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