Tony Heller says it was over 400F in Reykjavik
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Tony Heller > Over 400F in Reykjavik?

Tony Heller says it was over 400F in Reykjavik.

In Feb 2024 Tony Heller posted this on X (Twitter).

In the text he claims that temperatures in Reykjavik exceeded 400F in the 1930s.

He also claimed that temperatures in the Eastern Arctic closely track the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation but have no correlation with CO2.

Some mysteries to resolve

There are several issues with his chart that really need to be cleared up:

  • Where does the temperature data for Reykjavik come from? Sources/links should always be provided.
  • How confident can we be that the temperature in Reykjavik really did exceed 400F in the 1930s? It seems rather unlikely. Knowing the source would help.
  • Anybody with even basic knowedge related to correlation knows that it is calculated using actual values of variables and cannot properly be "inferred" on the basis of a chart, where choice of axes can produce misleading impressions. What is the actual calculated correlation between temperature in Reykjavik and the level of atmospheric CO2?


I did try to get an explanation for this, but got no reply. That's rather surprising, because as Tony says in his post he doesn't approve of people who "misinform the public about climate and energy".

Tony Heller has since blocked me on X.

But also worrying is the fact that almost 1,000 people liked - and presumably believed - this claim by Tony Heller!

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