Chris Martz says England can't grow grapes now as it's too cold
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Chris Martz > England too cold for grapes

Chris Martz doesn't really need facts to support his arguments, but sometimes he invents them "ad hoc"

The text here is from this tweet by Chris Martz (click to see the original).

This will come as a great surprise to England's wine industry.

Why would somebody write that?

Chris Martz seems desperate to prove that there is no significant warming of our climate.

His "analsyses" of US temperature in particular avoid providing links to actual source data and use statistical presentations that are designed to mislead (click to see more about this).

But when no suitable data or facts are available, he invents some.

In this case he decided that grapes could be grown in England during what is referred to as the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) but can't be grown there now as it's too cold.

As usual, hundreds of people liked what he wrote, presumably believing it to be true.

It's not true.

So what's the truth?

Grapes have been grown in England since at least Roman times, if not earlier.

Grapes are increasingly being grown here - partly due the warming climate - and English wine is being produced in greater quantities.

Some people even pay good money for English wine nowadays!.

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